Sunday, August 28, 2011

High School of the Dead

Genre: Action, Ecchi, Horror
Episodes: 12
Age Rating: 18+

I really don't like to spoil so if you want to find out more information about this anime here's the manga or if you prefer the episode here they are.

First off Manga:
Read High School Of The Dead Manga

Second off the Episodes:
HOTD Episode 1
HOTD Episode 2
HOTD Episode 3
HOTD Episode 4
HOTD Episode 5
HOTD Episode 6
HOTD Episode 7
HOTD Episode 8
HOTD Episode 9
HOTD Episode 10
HOTD Episode 11
HOTD Episode 12


One more thing! My favorite character from High school of the dead is...

Saeko Busujima! ♥
The reason why she my favorite is because she's a bad ass.

Here's some of my gifs

This is the zombies they have also known as "them":

Some more zombies "them":

Warning 18+

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